Our services are available 3 days a week at present but will eventually open as an all encompassing wellness centre.
The trust offers services for:
Family therapy, abuse & trauma counselling, family violence prevention, child abuse & neglect prevention; counselling for individuals, couple counselling, families experiencing grief,depression and unresolved emotional issues.
Office hours: Tuesdays - 8.30am - 5pm, Wednesdays - 8.30am - 4pm, Thursdays - 8.30am - 5pm
Please ask about our fees, we do try to keep them low, but if you are struggling financially, we are happy to negotiate.
New Service: Counselling in Mandarin
Have you ever noticed that even if you are fluent in English, there are some ideas that you can't fully express in English? Some of your points would not be understood by native English speakers.
You may have found it challenging with not only Chinese models of thinking, but also with Chinese cultural background.
We are pleased to announce that we now have a counsellor available to meet those needs.
您好. 您是否注意到,即使您的英语非常流利,有些想法却不能用英语完全表达?而有时候你会发现,英语为母语的人,
This service is available by appointment (within our regular operating hours).
If you are interested in making an appointment, please contact us.
这个服务是可以被预定的 在我们的日常服务时间)
如果您需要预定, 请联系我们。